Big Sandy Shoot

started in mid 1980s

640 acres
1 square mile of desert

Wikieup, Arizona

 the largest machine-gun shoot in the United States.

  • twice a year – March & October
  • three day weekend
  • machine-gun woodstock.
  • 2004 started a LLC and purchased property
  • Quarter mile long firing range
  • 2.3 million rounds shot each shoot

A twice a year, three day weekend of friends, weapons, targets and gear in Arizona’s high, western desert. With a quarter mile long firing range, populated by hundreds of shooters, The Big Sandy is the largest machine-gun shoot in the United States. This NFA shooting range will test yourself, your weapon and your sights. Held in Northwestern Arizona, approximatley 10 miles northeast of the town Wikieup, where you can get some distance on your targets. Some targets fly the length of the range at high speeds, some explode. If you’re up to it, please come visit this uniquely American event.


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