Big Gun Show Stuff: SAR Show 2012

Been waiting all year for this Gun Show

The SAR Show is the largest gun show in Arizona and possibly the western USA

SAR stands for “Small Arms Review” the firearms magazine

Their building has manufactures, importers, wholesalers and collectors who bring interesting collectibles no matter what your NFA (title II) tastes

As a collector and fan of military stuff I look forward to this show all year.

Since I couldn’t go last year, I put aside the money I would have spent, then added to it all year. So I was able to get a lot of cool stuff

Show us what YOU got at the SAR show (or your local show) and link your video to this one !!

If you ignore Gun Shows, they WILL go away


Small Arms Review (SAR) Show 2009

Crossroads of the West Gun Show 2009 (SAR Show)

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SAR Show West 2011

Small Arms Review will be hosting their Western US show from December 2nd to the 4th at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. For a great opportunity to see and purchase the latest and greatest from countless dealers, check it out.


Check out our coverage of previous SAR shows here:

Small Arms Review (SAR) Show 2009

Each year in Phoenix Small Arms review and Crossroads of the West Promoters host the “SAR Show”. We contacted both promoters and received permission to photograph and review the show for our websites. This is the largest Gun Show west of Tulsa and although many people attend to buy and sell, I hope our review will let others see what an impressive show this is. Make plans to attend next year.

Special Note: Photography is NOT allowed at gunshows. We were given special permission and we were accompanied by the show staff in order to take these pictures for our review. Furthermore, we asked permission at each booth before we took our photos.

Small Arms Review

Gun Show Review

2007 SAR / Crossroads Gun Show Review…

Another video review by:

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Small Arms Review Gun Show WEST

since 2000
Phoenix, Arizona

First weekend in Dec

Small Arms Review Gun Show WEST

If you have never been to the Small Arms Review Gun Show in Phoenix, Arizona, you have a few days left to make plans to attend.

This is the biggest gunshow in Arizona, and some say the largest gun show west of Tulsa each year.
There will be plenty of AR15, AK47, Full Auto, SBR, SBS, AOW, Suppressors and lots more at this show.

With the current events, this might set records for attendance and sales.

I can’t wait to see how the show turns out this year. Hope to see you there

Special Note:
Photography is NOT allowed at gunshows. We were given special permission and we were accompanied by the show staff in order to take these pictures for our review. Furthermore, we asked permission at each booth before we took our photos.

Small Arms Review Gun Show WEST 2008
Where: Arizona State Fairgrounds, Phoenix, AZ
When: Friday-Sunday December 5, 6 & 7, 2008 (3 days)

Public Show Hours
Friday, Dec 5th 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday, Dec 6th 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, Dec 7th 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Crossroads of the West Gun Shows

Arizona State Fairgrounds
1826 W McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Gun Show Review

Another video review by:

Small Arms Review Show | Gun Show Reviews