SHOT Show 2008

Saturday February 2nd – Monday Feb 5th 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada at the Las Vegas Convention Center

its 30th year of SHOT Show
nearly 2,000 exhibitors and over 58,000 attendees

We drove a rental, and stayed in North Las Vegas at a very cheap hotel

SHOT Show 2008 – Media Day at the Range

      There are a few perks when you have a few dozen websites that review guns and shooting events. One big benefit are days like this. We attended the Media Day at the range the day before SHOT show 2008. It was a great day in early February. Over 300 media guests attended this year. We arrived in the morning, shot the new products offered by the manufacturers who attended, and learned about the products first hand as we moved around the range until late afternoon. It was a great way to kick off the 2008 SHOT show .Enjoy the pictures, and stay tuned for our reviews of the next four days of the largest shooting sports / hunting trade show in the US

We arrived just after the busses brought most of the media guests from Las Vegas. We shot at the Bolder Shooting Range. Plenty of room for all the manufactures to show us their new products

Many thanks to Bass Pro Shops for their generous support of this event and the media guests

This is a media only event. We registered ahead of time and signed in before heading to the range. Many volunteers helped keep things safe and moving smoothly during the day. Thanks to all the people (young and old) in the white shirts for their support and hard work

We snuck a peak of the empty dining tent we’d visit a little later on for lunch. Smoke from the huge smokers next to the tent reminded us all that lunch was going to be a good on e.. kind of made it hard to shoot at the bays where the wind carried the smells of ribs, sausage, etc

What’s new? The KRISS Super V CRB/SO .45 ACP Civilian Carbine..and it’s little brother the full auto SBR version

It was a treat to be some of the first people to get trigger time on this new system. We shot semi and two round burst ont he SBR. No full auto at the range (dang range rules..)

This was a popular bay and shooters went down range a few at a time to test this one out. We learned a lot about this new system, very interesting to say the least

Did I mention a 30 round Glock 21 magazine adapter?????

Two round burst at this rate of fire is like one shot going off..And with no kick they almost use the same hole on the target

So how to prove the lack of muzzle rise? I tried to show the lack of movement with some video clips I took of one of our editors while shooting it. First I took four shots from a two round burst

Next I faded them to about 20% so they are almost transparent. Next I stacked them on each other. You can see in this hybrid pic how little the gun (and shooter) moves while two rounds of .45acp leave the barrel

Arsenal was at the shoot with a selection of rifles and an SBR with plenty of ammo supplied by Wolf

Arsenal was set up with a bunch of AKs to shoot. Wolf supplied the ammo for this bay and I was happy to help them ‘use it up’ a bit

My name is Pete, and I’m an AK-holic.. I really shouldn’t go to events where tables of AKs and full magazines are put out for me to shoot. But I can’t help it

Shot everything they had available. Some of our favorite AKs come from Arsenal in Las Vegas.

Shooting the Bulgarian AK74S-U (Krink) in 7.62×39, what a beautiful machine.

Thank you to Wolf for supplying the ammo at the Arsenal bay. No failures (obviously) and plenty of fun behind the trigger

Wilson combat had these two available

A shot of both front and back sights on this AK

front and rear sights from XS for the AK47

Shooting the Glock 23 with XS sights

The XS sights on a shotgun

Food was served, catered, smoked meat

We were given issues of some recent magazines

Some of the selection of less than lethal ammo

I asked to get shot me with a non lethal. I was the first and last to do it, the range offers didn’t approve

An interesting multicam pack

Aimpoint was here displaying their products

Some of the interesting stuff at the Aimpoint booth

Some situations require both long range shooting and closer fighting. This option from Aimpoint might be just the ticket.

Let the rifle sit at a slight angle and use the mini Aimpoint without removing or adjusting the larger optic

The Aimpoint bay was busy all day.. a factor of their products quality and their excellent staff at the shoot

Aimpoint showed usa new device for helping to keep shooters safe while delivering accurate rounds downrange

Shooting around and over cover with the new Aimpoint device

Beretta had a lot of products available to shoot

Beretta’s shotgun

Beretta’s new compact in9mm

Shooting the small Beretta

Benelli had a few tents as did some other companies with a wide range of products

Ruger, Hornady

Federal, Styer – Mannlicher

The 500 yard range for long range shooters

Some of the long range rifles available to shoot on the 500 yard range

We received a detailed map of the range which was marked with who was at each bay..

Some of the archery bays set up to show off new products

LWRC – Shot a 6.8 SBR at the LWRC bay

Silver State Armory supplied the ammo for LWRC

Shooting the 6.8 threw a few fireballs, here’s one I caught on film

Shooting the 5.56×45 gas piston rifle by LWRC

The guys from LWRC brought out a selection of their gas piston ARs

The LWRC gas piston system on their own AR lowers, a good combo !

.308, 5.56×45 and 6.8 made by silver state armory in NV. Thanks to SSA for the ammo we used in the LWRC rifles

These guys are not afraid to take their products apart for inspection for the people who are new to the gas piston AR

One of the benefits of a gas piston is no heat or dirt in the bolt

Yamaha 4wd test drives

We drove the test track in each of these Yamaha’s

To sum it up, we all had a great time turning perfectly good ammo into brass cases on the ground

Day One

SHOT show 2008 started off with a bang.. ok bad pun, but it was a lot of fun. We started in he Law Enforcement areas, because for us that is where all the good stuff is.. OK not all of it, and we will see the rest, but we had to start somewhere..

Of course we are AK47 fans so I tend to take more pics of them than other things. But I keep a highly paid staff of editors on hand to ensure we gather photos and info on other weapons systems and gear on display.

While deals were being made between manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and stores, we walked the isles looking for the most interesting things to review and promote.

Here are just a sample of the pictures from Day one. We took 550+ photos, we were able to edit those down to 250 or so that are worth posting, and this article contains the cream of the crop from day one of SHOT show 2008. Stay tuned for more details on many of the things we will touch on in this article. After all we need to get back for Day two. We only saw half of the show so far.

SHOT show 2008 started off with a bang.. ok bad pun, but it was a lot of fun. We started in he Law Enforcement areas, because for us that’s where all the ‘good stuff’ is.. OK not all of it, and we’ll see the rest, but we had to start somewhere.. Of course we are AK47 fans so I tend to take more pics of them than other things. But I keep a highly paid staff of editors on hand to ensure we gather photos and info on other weapons systems and gear on display. While deals were being made between manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and stores, we walked the isles looking for the most interesting things to review and promote. Here are just a sample of the pictures from Day one. We took 550+ photos, we were able to edit those down to 250 or so that are worth posting, and this article contains the cream of the crop from day one of SHOT show 2008. Stay tuned for more details on many of the things we’ll touch on in this article. After all we need to get back for Day two. We only saw half of the show so far..

Saturday was a nice day outside, I think.. I only saw it briefly as we walked from the main building the Gold Building (tents) across the street. Lots of people attended this year, I would not be surprised if record attendance will be broken again this year
Saturday was a nice day outside, I think.. I only saw it briefly as we walked from the main building the Gold Building (tents) across the street. Lots of people attended this year, I would not be surprised if record attendance will be broken again this year

Saturday was a nice day outside, I think.. I only saw it briefly as we walked from the main building the Gold Building (tents) across the street. Lots of people attended this year, I would not be surprised if record attendance will be broken again this year

Hands down at least among our group the coolest thing at the SHOT show this year is the prototype from Magpul. Lot’s more to come on this one, stay tuned
Hands down at least among our group the coolest thing at the SHOT show this year is the prototype from Magpul. Lot’s more to come on this one, stay tuned

Hands down at least among our group the coolest thing at the SHOT show this year is the prototype from Magpul. Lot’s more to come on this one, stay tuned

Another prototype is a bullpup in 5.56. About the size of a PS90, but in 5.56×45…looks promising
Another prototype is a bullpup in 5.56. About the size of a PS90, but in 5.56×45…looks promising

Another prototype is a bullpup in 5.56. About the size of a PS90, but in 5.56×45…looks promising

Of course many people are awaiting their Masada here are a few pics in 7.62×39 of course many more pics of this one on the way too
Of course many people are awaiting their Masada here are a few pics in 7.62×39 of course many more pics of this one on the way too

Of course many people are awaiting their Masada here are a few pics in 7.62×39 of course many more pics of this one on the way too

A few quick pics of the 5.56×45 Masada
A few quick pics of the 5.56×45 Masada

A few quick pics of the 5.56×45 Masada

Some flip up back up sights which should be available soon from Magpul for around $100
Some flip up back up sights which should be available soon from Magpul for around $100

Some flip up back up sights which should be available soon from Magpul for around $100

Big news for AK47 fans is Norinco USA. Soon we will have 100% US made Norinco AK47s Some favorites like the Type 56, AK drum mags and even the AR drum are on the way as we speak. We hope to offer as much new info as possible on this exciting news
Big news for AK47 fans is Norinco USA. Soon we will have 100% US made Norinco AK47s Some favorites like the Type 56, AK drum mags and even the AR drum are on the way as we speak. We hope to offer as much new info as possible on this exciting news

Big news for AK47 fans is Norinco USA. Soon we will have 100% US made Norinco AK47s Some favorites like the Type 56, AK drum mags and even the AR drum are on the way as we speak. We hope to offer as much new info as possible on this exciting news

CAA had some new accessories for AKs and ARs (among other new items) at SHOT 2008
CAA had some new accessories for AKs and ARs (among other new items) at SHOT 2008

CAA had some new accessories for AKs and ARs (among other new items) at SHOT 2008

SCAR from FN is a big attraction, we’ll be posting more pics and info
SCAR from FN is a big attraction, we’ll be posting more pics and info

SCAR from FN is a big attraction, we’ll be posting more pics and info

Surbu short shotguns and 50 cals are always a hit as well as the new items from Aimpoint and we’ll be posting more pics soon
Surbu short shotguns and 50 cals are always a hit as well as the new items from Aimpoint and we’ll be posting more pics soon

Surbu short shotguns and 50 cals are always a hit as well as the new items from Aimpoint and we’ll be posting more pics soon

Enterprise Arms had the girls at the booth signing their posters
Enterprise Arms had the girls at the booth signing their posters

Enterprise Arms had the girls at the booth signing their posters

Some of the eye candy in the Law Enforcement areas at the Code Red and Tactical Rifles booths
Some of the eye candy in the Law Enforcement areas at the Code Red and Tactical Rifles booths

Some of the eye candy in the Law Enforcement areas at the Code Red and Tactical Rifles booths

FAB Defense had many interesting new items on display. We’ll visit them again during the show to get more pics of their accessories
FAB Defense had many interesting new items on display. We’ll visit them again during the show to get more pics of their accessories

FAB Defense had many interesting new items on display. We’ll visit them again during the show to get more pics of their accessories

Magnum boots had one of the better demonstrations for their footwear at the show
Magnum boots had one of the better demonstrations for footwear at the show

Magnum boots had one of the better demonstrations for their footwear at the show

Gun Broker had a larger booth than prior years along with a raffle for users of their auctions. This Remington booth also caught our attention
Gun Broker had a larger booth than prior years along with a raffle for users of their auctions. This Remington booth also caught our attention

Gun Broker had a larger booth than prior years along with a raffle for users of their auctions. This Remington booth also caught our attention

Emerson knives was in the Law Enforcement section as well
Emerson knives was in the Law Enforcement section as well

Emerson knives was in the Law Enforcement section as well

Ammo manufacturers attend the SHOT show and one of our favorites in Barnaul which manufacturers many flavors of high quality ammo from Russia
Ammo manufacturers attend the SHOT show and one of our favorites in Barnaul which manufacturers many flavors of high quality ammo from Russia

Ammo manufacturers attend the SHOT show and one of our favorites in Barnaul which manufacturers many flavors of high quality ammo from Russia

One of the interesting AK47 related booths was Long Mountain Outfitters with some rare cut always and AK variants on display
One of the interesting AK47 related booths was Long Mountain Outfitters with some rare cut always and AK variants on display

One of the interesting AK47 related booths was Long Mountain Outfitters with some rare cut always and AK variants on display

Boker had a new Kalashnikov knife on display, we’ll get some better pics of these
Boker had a new Kalashnikov knife on display, we’ll get some better pics of these

Boker had a new Kalashnikov knife on display, we’ll get some better pics of these

Russian American Arms the importers of the Saiga had a larger booth than prior years and many new items on display as well as some modified AKs done by Krebs,many more pics of these on the way
Russian American Arms the importers of the Saiga had a larger booth than prior years and many new items on display as well as some modified AKs done by Krebs,many more pics of these on the way

Russian American Arms the importers of the Saiga had a larger booth than prior years and many new items on display as well as some modified AKs done by Krebs,many more pics of these on the way

Law enforcement dogs were not left out, armor, web gear leashes and lots more were offered for inspection. And a few well behaved dogs attended the show
Law enforcement dogs were not left out, armor, web gear leashes and lots more were offered for inspection. And a few well behaved dogs attended the show

Law enforcement dogs were not left out, armor, web gear leashes and lots more were offered for inspection. And a few well behaved dogs attended the show

We’ve all seen blue guns for training but how about blue grenades, mines and even pipe wrenches?
We’ve all seen blue guns for training but how about blue grenades, mines and even pipe wrenches?

We’ve all seen blue guns for training but how about blue grenades, mines and even pipe wrenches?

Some of the high tech law enforcement equipment like these remote camera balls were real head turners. These should save lives and make many officers job easier and safer. Costs on this kind of equipment are dropping quickly as well.
Some of the high tech law enforcement equipment like these remote camera balls were real head turners. These should save lives and make many officers job easier and safer. Costs on this kind of equipment are dropping quickly as well.

Some of the high tech law enforcement equipment like these remote camera balls were real head turners. These should save lives and make many officers job easier and safer. Costs on this kind of equipment are dropping quickly as well.

New guns are a big part of SHOT show, and new colors are a big hit like these FNs in dark earth
New guns are a big part of SHOT show, and new colors are a big hit like these FNs in dark earth

New guns are a big part of SHOT show, and new colors are a big hit like these FNs in dark earth

Another brand new gun debuting at SHOT show 2008 is the Ruger LCP which is built in Prescott AZ
Another brand new gun debuting at SHOT show 2008 is the Ruger LCP which is built in Prescott AZ

Another brand new gun debuting at SHOT show 2008 is the Ruger LCP which is built in Prescott AZ

Green lasers are on the way, these are being sold for under $300 and can be seen in full sunlight and at great distance. Stay tuned for lots more of these soon
Green lasers are on the way, these are being sold for under $300 and can be seen in full sunlight and at great distance. Stay tuned for lots more of these soon

Green lasers are on the way, these are being sold for under $300 and can be seen in full sunlight and at great distance. Stay tuned for lots more of these soon

Smith & Wesson now offers the Dark Earth color in their .45 M&P, this lousy pic is M&P 45 in dark earth with a DE light, Crimson Trace laser and suppressor. an ideal sidearm?? For many people the answer would be YES
Smith & Wesson now offers the Dark Earth color in their .45 M&P, this lousy pic is M&P 45 in dark earth with a DE light, Crimson Trace laser and suppressor. an ideal sidearm?? For many people the answer would be YES

Smith & Wesson now offers the Dark Earth color in their .45 M&P, this lousy pic is M&P 45 in dark earth with a DE light, Crimson Trace laser and suppressor. an ideal sidearm?? For many people the answer would be YES

Stay tuned for more on these US made Styer AUG type rifles. These were a big hit with SHOT show visitors
Stay tuned for more on these US made Styer AUG type rifles. These were a big hit with SHOT show visitors

Some small scale semi-auto (and full auto) replicas, that shoot .22lr from a belt. Very cool
Some small scale semi-auto (and full auto) replicas, that shoot .22lr from a belt. Very cool

Some small scale semi-auto (and full auto) replicas, that shoot .22lr from a belt. Very cool

These are just the tip of the iceberg. Check back soon for more pics from Day One of SHOT show 2008 as we get time to edit and post them

Day 2

Day Three

The third day of SHOT show 2008 was a Monday after the Superbowl. Las Vegas was less crowded than it was over the weekend, but there were still lots of people at the convention center.

We attended an invite only demonstration shoot and took lots more pics there and back at the convention center.

After we posted our reviews of day one and two on our websites and links to our reviews in various chatrooms we were asked to get more information (and more pics) on various guns and gear.

We did our best to remember and and find what people were interested in. Here is our review of day three

The third day of SHOT show 2008 was a Monday after the Superbowl. Las Vegas was less crowded as it was over the weekend, but there were still lots of people at the convention center. We attended an invite only demonstration shoot and took lots more pics. As we posted our reviews of day one and two on our websites and links to our reviews in various chatrooms we were asked to get more information (and more pics) on various guns and gear. We did our best to remember and and find what people were interested in. Here is our review of day three

We were invited to a private shoot on Day Three (Monday), we met the folks at Tactical & Survival Specialties, Inc. (TSSI) along with others invited to see their ParaScope™ Urban Combat Sight. We were driven out to one of the shooting ranges on Nellis Air Force base

The range was set up with plenty of cover and dozens of reactive targets at various ranges. There were two bays and more than a few rifles with their ParaScope™ Combat Sight so we could all get some trigger time with the new sight. We had shot another companies product a few days earlier, so we could compare the two. This version while costing more, allows the shooter to immediately transfer from a concealed shot to a standard shoulder aimed shot without touching the optic or rifle.

The ParaScope™ Urban Combat Sight was developed by MTC Technologies through the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency to allow the shooter to engage targets from behind a protective barrier with minimal exposure to return fire. It is designed to reduce warfighter vulnerability in active combat situations. ParaScope™ incorporates a unique optical design that allows for crisp natural viewing of the target area from either its side or rear ports without any mirror inversion or distortion. It is a fully ruggedized 1x optical sight that is compatible with a wide variety of weapon sights including 1x tactical scopes, magnified weapon sights, laser designators and iron sights. The ParaScope™ is compatible with any caliber weapon including rifles, shotguns and less lethal weapons (gas guns) fitted with a picatinny rail.

Using the side port capability of ParaScope™, targets may be engaged from the safety of a protective barrier using a variety of conventional and side firing positions. No adjustments need be made when transitioning between firing positions. Soldiers can also engage targets conventionally by sight using two eyes open through the rear port of ParaScope™. ParaScope™delivers a new capability to the urban combat tactical environment for safely identifying and firing upon targets.

Tarus had the same display as prior years, with a few new offerings

Day three was still quite crowded and many deals were going on. Hooters girls were even available for pictures

One of the clever and labor savings items on display were this stair climber for safes and other large items. Ultra lift also had a very nice suction cup available to help move large items like gun safes

The Leatherman display offered a history of the Leatherman tool starting back in 1975.

Some vendors had swords and armor while others like Howard Leight had ear protection

Useful tools from Victorinox and Photon micro light were interesting booths to check out. Photon has a new 4 LED light that is rechargeable

The Century International Arms booth had a lot of AKs on display in many shapes and ‘flavors’

Polish Tantal Rifle, Cal. 5.45x39mm

This Tantal has a working Safety on the opposite side of the receiver unlike many Tantal builds

1975 AK Bullpup Rifle, Cal. 7.26x39mm, Century GP 1975 Rifle, Cal. 7.62x39mm

GP WASR-10 HI-CAP with Galil Handguard and Collapsible Stock, Cal 7.62x39mm, M70B1 Semi-Auto Sporter, Cal. 7.62x39mm

M72 Heavy BBL Semi-Auto Sporter, Cal. 7.62x39mm, AES-10B HI-CAP , Cal. 7.62x39mm

GP WASR-10 HI-CAP with Collapsible Stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm, GP WASR-10 HI-CAP Rifle with Military Stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm

GP WASR 10/63 HI-CAP with Folding Wire Stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm,

GP WASR-10 HI-CAP with Composite Folding Stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm, GP WASR-10 HI-CAP with Composite Folding Stock & Original Wood Forward Pistol Grip, Cal. 7.62x39mm

Golani Semi-Auto Sporter Rifle, Cal. .223, GP WASR-10 HI-CAP Rifle with Pistol Grip & Military Stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm

M-76 Sniper Rifle, Cal. 8x57mm, Cut Away GP-WASR 10 Single Column Magazine Rifle, Cal 7.62x39mm

VZ58 Sporter Semi-Auto Rifle, Cal. 7.62x39mm, Czech VZ58 Replica Rifle

WASR-2 HI-CAP with Military Stock, Cal. 5.45x39mm

WASR-3 HI-CAP with Military Style Stock, Cal. .223

Pump Action PAR 3 Rifle Cal. .223

WASR-2 Low Capacity with Dragunov Stock, Cal. 5.45x39mm, WASR 22 with Dragunov Style Stock, Cal. .22LR, GP WASR-10 HI-CAP with Dragunov Style Stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm, GP WASR-10 LO-CAP with Dragunov Style Stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm, GP WASR-10 HI-CAP with Dragunov Style Stock, Cal. 7.62x39mm

This off road vehicle was on display, and just about everyone wanted a ride on it

Crimson Trace had nothing new but other vendors with smaller booths had a lot of interesting new things to show off.

Not too much new from Sppringfield on the XD, but they did have some bi-tone versions available which look good

The XD in Dark Earth and a bi-tone slide

Smith & Wesson said they have no plans to offer the M&P in other colors. The ,45 acp in Dark Earth isn’t selling as well as they would like so other calibers will not be made in other than black until demand grows. Maybe they will wake up and figure out that if they make them they might sell, waiting around for people to ask will continue to sell XDs and Glocks instead..

S&W had this very nice looking M&P .45 in all Dark Earth with a dark earth Crimson trace laser grip and a Dark Earth light and a suppressor. Crimson Trace said they will not be offering any of their grips in colors, that this was a custom job for S&W and we shouldn’t hold our breath for colored laser grips from them (so no green lasers for green glocks) Maybe someone else will offer such a thing in the future

Some ammo on display

Sig had some new spins on existing designs, like folding stocks and short 556s

SIG 556 SWAT features the same high-performance two position adjustable gas piston operating rod system engineered by SIG’s sister company Swiss Arms and marries it to a trigger housing that not only cuts the rifle’s weight by a pound but is designed to accept standard AR magazines. The SIG 556 SWAT
The SIG 556 SWAT features the same high-performance two position adjustable gas piston operating rod system engineered by SIG’s sister company Swiss Arms and marries it to a trigger housing that not only cuts the rifle’s weight by a pound but is designed to accept standard AR magazines. The SIG 556 SWAT features a 16” military grade cold hammer forged barrel, chambered in 5.56mm NATO, with a twist rate of 1 in 7”. The high performance flash suppressor provides enhanced flash reduction and features an ACME type thread for compatibility with select industry sound suppression devices. The flash suppressor retains a standard .5 x 28 TPI thread pattern, ensuring compatibility with after-market accessories. The vented tactical quad rail forearm is machined from aircraft grade aluminum alloy and hard coat anodized for durability. The quad rail features four integrated Picatinny rails for mounting a wide range of accessories. The Picatinny rail equipped receiver is made of high strength carbon steel with a durable wear-resistant Nitron® X rifle finish. The rifle comes standard with the flip up combat front and rear sight system. The trigger housing is machined from an aircraft grade aluminum alloy forging with a hard-coat anodized finish designed to survive extreme conditions. The rifle comes equipped with a smooth two-stage trigger, ambidextrous safety and is designed to accept standard AR magazines. A 30-round magazine is supplied with each rifle. The rifle features the MAGPUL CTR Carbine Buttstock. This buttstock is adjustable for length of pull and features a unique locking mechanism that friction locks the stock to the receiver extension for zero movement. The ergonomically designed pistol grip features an integrated storage compartment. The rifle also includes the Grip-Light vertical forend grip which features a removable tactical LED flashlight and mounts directly to the quad rail forends.

SIG 556 SWAT features the same high-performance two position adjustable gas piston operating rod system engineered by SIG’s sister company Swiss Arms and marries it to a trigger housing that not only cuts the rifle’s weight by a pound but is designed to accept standard AR magazines. The SIG 556 SWAT

This is a Sig 556 SBR with folding stock.

Sig-Sauer STL-300J, Sigs Vert Grip with 3 LED light built in

SRM Arms Rotary-Mag, Semi-Auto Shotgun

Longer guns can use smaller magazines if front latch is moved

8, 12, and 16 round magazine capacity depending on the length of the shotgun or where the front magazine latch is located (on longer guns)

Simple front latch holds mags in place

This innovative design allows the shooter to choose which type of ammo they want to use

Can be set up for right or left handed operation

Last pics of the day were of the Browning gun safes. They had a cool rack on the door, but it looks like it takes a portion of the safe, so not sure if I’ll get that option.

Day Four

The fourth and last day of SHOT show 2008 was Tuesday. We walked through each building to attempt to catch anything we might have missed the prior three days. We also went back to get more pics of a few booths we were interested in, as well as things we were asked to get pictures of

THe last day was a sunny day, no rain and still a large crowd

We parked near the tents (Gold Buildings) and started there

Vendors as varied as dog protective gear to Blackwater Contracting were all included in this LARGE trade show

Some of the stuff at the FAB Defense, Targets and training barrel plugs

Another shot of their pistol grip / bipod and their mount to attach a Glock to a rifle, this one is on an MP5

The FAB Defense AK rail which locks into place and adds lots of attachment points around the AK47

There is even a rail that reaches back over the receiver cover for a solid optics mount without needed to use the standard optics rail on the receiver side.

Another FAB Defense AK47 rail system. This one is smaller and is set up with a bipod and pistol grip

The MGI modular AR15

SMGI Hydra QCB (Quick-Change Barrel) system set up here for Glock magazines in 9mm

The left handed version of the 7.62×39 AR15

This is a unique AR that shoots in 7.62×39 and it’s set up to shoot left handed

The standard right handed version of the 7.62×39 AR15 that uses AK47 magazines

Two more pics of the AR15 that uses AK47 magazines and shoots 7.62×39

Some of the calibers they have for this modular AR lower include: 5.56×45 (.223), 7.62×39, 5.45×39, 7.62×25, 9mm, .45 acp, .22LR, .22 Magnum, .40 S&W, 6.8x43mm (6.8 SPC), 6.5 Grendel and .50 Beowulf. The 45ACP, can use Grease Gun magazines, 9x19mm can use Sten magazines

Quick Change Barrel system allows you to change barrels in just seconds.

QCB Upper Receiver utilizes standard M16 barrels with the Delta Ring, barrel nut, sling swivel and front hand guard keeper removed.

SO Tech gear, very good gear made in the USA

S.O.TECH explained their new bag with lots of options. Another quality item from one of the better gear manufacturers

Steyr / Mannlicher

STEYR HS .50 is a long range, high precision rifle, with an effective range of up to 1,640 yards (1,500 m).

It was designed as a single shot bolt action rifle, and is available in the caliber .50 BMG.

The STEYR HS .50 features a cold hammer forged fluted barrel, adjustable bi-pod, and a highly efficient muzzle brake, which reduces recoil substantially to increase shooting comfort.

The top mounted Picatinny rail (Mil. Std. 1913 rail) allows quick and easy installation of various optics, or night vision devices.

The STEYR HS .50 is designed to field strip easily for transportation or maintenance purposes.


The STEYR AUG A3 modular weapon system is the latest result of the continued development of the world renowned STEYR AUG rifle series.

The STEYR AUG A3 design is also based on modular system components, which can be configured from one variant to another quickly and easily, without tools, and at unit level, in order to meet a wide range of future weapon requirements.

The STEYR AUG A3 “bullpup” design maintained its short overall length, without influencing the barrel length, to meet or exceed, required accuracy standards.

The STEYR AUG A3 features a number of Picatinny rails (Mil. Std. 1913 rails), which allow the quick and easy mounting of various accessories, such as a grenade launcher, illumination and target acquisition devices, including a variety of optics or night vision devices.

Due to its utmost flexibility design concept, the STEYR AUG A3 is a state-of-the-art, multipurpose assault rifle, for day and night operations.

Ruger offered the new LCP™ Pistol which will be available mid-March 2008

Caliber: .380 Auto
Capacity: 6+1 Rounds
Finish: Blued
Grip: Glass-Filled Nylon
Barrel Length: 2.75″
Groove: 6
Twist: 1:16″ RH
Overall Length: 5.16″
Weight: 9.4 oz
California Approved: No
Massachusetts Approved: No
Front Sight(s): Fixed
Rear Sight(s): Fixed
Other Features: N/A
Suggested Retail Price: $ 330.00
Miscellaneous: One 6-Round Magazine Included. Available for sale beginning mid-March, 2008.

Priced at just over $300 this will be a very good seller I predict

Ruger also offered the

The New Ruger SR9™ is one of the slimmest 9mm pistols available. The SR9™ is comfortable and controllable, and with a 17+1 capacity, it packs all the features required by today’s most demanding shooters. A must for law enforcement officers looking for Ruger’s legendary reliability, the SR9™ is available in Brushed Stainless or Blackened Stainless finishes, and now with an OD Green grip frame.

Colt offered a few new things this year, a Double Action Only pistol, a new Delta Elite, and some other things

Colt is bringing back the Delta Elite and offering a DAO pistol that will take some getting used to

Colt also offered a forward pistol grip with built in light and laser

The Colt booth was large, but not as large as some

A commemorative pistol set for Roy Rogers with lots of gold trim

Some Hooters girls at a wholesalers booth, They had this Galil and H&K .22lr on display

Semi-Auto H&K in .22lr

Some of the best safes available and made in the USA are Fort Knox. Their display was impressive and they have a few new options for 2008

Plenty of celebrity testimonials of Fort Knox safes

This western theme safe really catches the eye, as does this mirrored safe with clear plexiglass door. It was for display only, but I’d be first in line if they ever offer these for sale This western theme safe really catches the eye, as does this mirrored safe with clear plexiglass door. It was for display only, but I’d be first in line if they ever offer these for sale This western theme safe really catches the eye, as does this mirrored safe with clear plexiglass door. It was for display only, but I’d be first in line if they ever offer these for sale

Green grips for the Beretta pistol from Houge

Benelli booth had lots of their shotguns on display including the Beretta Benelli M4 Shotgun in use with the US military as the M1014

Daisy air rifles had a large display

California Competition Works was at the show with many models of their shotgun carriers that holds 4 rds 12ga or 5 rds 20ga horizontally on belt, allows shooter to grab as many as he/she is able to manipulate per reload.

Armalite offered no AR-180 this year but they mentioned a side folding stock for the AR-180 in the future as well as an aluminum lower. They did have a 7.62×39 AR model

The 7.62 M-15 (AR) looks like a typical AR, and has a standard AR magazine well, but there were no magazines available for photos they said

So here is the Armalite 7.62×39 rifles on the AR platform

An Armalite AR-10 carbine in .308 (7.62 x 51mm) in OD green

Model: A2 Carbine with Green or Black Furniture
Caliber: 7.62mm NATO
Barrel: 16″ Double Lapped, Chrome Lined, Threaded 5/8×24
Rifling Twist: RH 1:11.25″
Muzzle Device: Flash Suppressor
Front Sight Base: A2 Front Sight Assembly
Rear Sight: .70/.195 Battle Sight
Upper Receiver: Forged A2
Trigger: Tactical Two Stage
Overall Length: 37.1″
Weight: 9 lbs.
Finish: Hard Anodized Aluminum, Manganese Phosphated Steel
Accuracy: 1.5 – 2 MOA

Auction Arms booth was a little smaller than their competition and a bit out of the way. Here is a cool carpet I’d like in my gun room

Some of the AKs for sale in distributors booths

A custom Sig 556 for sale through a wholesaler. A real nice color for this rifle

Two more pics of this custom Sig 556

Surefire is offering their own throw levers which look promising

Scopecoat and other vendors on display

A John Wayne commemorative holster combo from DeSantis holsters

This DeSantis Gunhide® exclusive package is a fitting tribute to one of the film industry’s most beloved icons. In five decades of Hollywood classics, John Wayne mastered the role of western hero like no other actor in cinema history. Against overwhelming odds, when Duke reached for his six-gun, you knew that a few more bad guys were going for a one way trip to Boot Hill! He was a hero for the ages. Now, celebrate his long and extraordinary career with this limited-edition John Wayne holster and gun belt set, available exclusively from DeSantis Gunhide®. The holster and belt are faithful reproductions of the rig used by Duke for most of his western movies. Officially licensed by Wayne Enterprises, each belt is fitted with a heavy cast emblem with an engraved serial number. The back of each holster is heavily embossed with Duke’s trademark signature and official logos from Wayne Enterprises and DeSantis Gunhide® commemorating the 100th anniversary. It is destined to become a collector’s item to be passed on from generation to generation.

Kalashnikov 101 Series, gray plain. New model of the only officially licensed Kalashnikov knife series. With an overall length of 9 7/8″, the new 101 design is a massive heavy duty knife, which performs extremely well not only in tactical situations, but also in the great outdoors. The FRN handle provides for a safe and secure grip, and the 1.5 mm stainless steel liners underneath the handle scales provide additional stability. Friction grooves in the handle and thumb ramp allow safe handling. The rust resistant 440C stainless steel blade can be opened with the thumb stud or the side-guards, even with gloves on. The glass-breaker tip at the end of the handle is another useful feature of the 101. Liner locking system and pocket clip for tip-up carry. Blade length: 4″. Weight: 6.4 oz. With bead blasted plain edge blade.

KAL The design, contour and lines complement the style found in the original AK-47 rifle. The fines CNC machine work is incorporated into the anodized 6061-T6 aluminum handles, designed for a firm and secure grip. Handle inlays are made of G-10 material. The partially serrated, satin finished 4″ blade, reminiscent of the bayonet used with the AK-47 rifle, is made of 440C stainless steel. Includes belt/pocket clip. Overall open length: 9″. Weight: 6 oz.

Some large baseplates with large rings

H&K P30

The new P30TM is one of the most modern police pistols of our time. During its development, the most important requirements were flexibility, functionality and safety. Ergonomics of the grip have been markedly improved by interchangeable backstrap inserts and lateral plates. In combination with the ambidextrous operating controls, this pistol can be individually adapted to almost any user. No compromises have been made regarding safety. The P30 has a self-decocking, double action hammer with a firing pin block safety that eliminates the need for a manual safety. Its advanced loaded chamber indicator, which is easily seen and felt, positively indicates a loaded chamber. Another feature is the open square-notch rear sight with luminous contrast points (non-tritium), allowing an exact target acquisition even under poor lighting conditions.

Interchangeable backstrap inserts and lateral plates
Open square-notch rear sight with luminous contrast points
Loaded chamber indicator that is easily seen and felt
Ambidextrous operating controls
Integrated Picatinny rail
Slide mounted decocking device

HK45C with Dark Earth frame

The HK45TM and HK45CTM were developed to meet the needs of the most distinguished, elite U.S. military operators. The HK45 and HK45C are available in any one of the 10, HK specific variants, including the double-action and single-action Law Enforcement Modification known as the LEM. Left, right and ambidextrous control levers provide safety and/or de-cocking functions and can be fitted to the pistol by simply changing parts. A unique, internal mechanical recoil reduction system reduces the recoil forces imparted to the weapon and shooter by as much as 30%, improving shooter control during rapid firing. The HK45 and HK45C combine the accuracy, modularity, reliability and extended service life that you have come to expect from a company that prides itself for their “No Compromise” slogan. Both models can be fitted with threaded barrels for use with sound suppressors.

Winchester SX3

Feel it for yourself. The bold new look of the Super X3 is more than just aesthetic. The stock, grip and forearm dimensions are slimmer for a lighter, more controlled feel. Contributing to the feeling of lightness is an ultralight alloy magazine tube and recoil spring system that removes a half pound of weight. The new lightweight barrel further reduces weight with a narrow profile and a machined rib. Inside the barrel you’ll find .742″ Back-Bored Technology for the ideal combination of shot uniformity and velocity. The new gunmetal grey Perma-Cote™ UT (Ultra Tough) finish is more durable than traditional blueing. In fact, it is the toughest finish ever applied to a shotgun. Best of all, the centered balance and superior fit Winchester shotguns are renowned for remains intact.

The next era of Winchester autoloading shotguns. Winchester Firearms is respected for producing reliable, good looking, top performing shotguns. Our latest Super X3 models are no different. The self-adjusting Active Valve ensures speed, recoil reduction and durability in all conditions. An entirely new look with flowing lines adds a modern flare. Shoulder a Super X3 to feel the future of Winchester Firearms.

Lone Wolf Distributors had a large booth. America’s largest single source, offering the world’s finest manufacturers of aftermarket accessories and Glock OEM parts.

Stock Glock parts, competition Glock parts, CCW Glock parts, and lots more are all available from Lone Wolf

Serbu Firearms Home of the BFG-50 and SUPER-SHORTY

The SUPER-SHORTY is based on a Mossberg Maverick (also available on Mossberg 500 or Remington 870 at additional cost) 12-gauge shotgun which came from the factory with a pistol grip. Because of this, the SUPER-SHORTY is considered an AOW (Any Other Weapon) and can be transferred with a $5 stamp! The gun holds two 2-3/4″ or 3″ shells in the magazine, plus one in the chamber. The 16.5″ overall length, 6.5″ barrel and spring-locked foregrip, which pivots out of the way when not in use, make for a very compact package.

As far as we know, this is the shortest 12-gauge pump shotgun available. All parts for the SUPER-SHORTY are made in-house on our own CNC machinery using materials ideally suited to the task. All welds are done by the TIG process, and the manganese phosphate finish is MIL-spec. The SUPER-SHORTY is currently being used by various law enforcement agencies and military units worldwide. If you like the idea of concealed carry with a 12-gauge, or like a lot of “bang” in a small package, or just want the most compact breaching weapon available, then this is the gun for you. You won’t find a better made AOW pump shotgun than the SUPER-SHORTY!

Another Arizona Manufacturer / Distributor, GGG sales

Mesa Tactical had their booth near Serbu

Another company just a few booths down from Serbu offering their version of the super shorty and a few other short shotguns and parts

An interesting single point sling attachment incorporated into the washer so it adds no extra bulk to the stock on an AR. It has an attachment on both sides

Poly Technologies offered this cut away training aid for sale at $2000+ .. not sure who the market might be but it is an interesting piece anyway

It’s a cut away of the milled AK47 imported before the ban

Crye Precision MultiCam™ is a single camouflage pattern designed to help the wearer hide in varied environments, seasons, elevations, and light conditions. It was designed to address the real-world need for concealment in different environments, with one basic kit of gear.

We use Crye MultiCam as a backdrop to many of our photos

Some pics of the Cav Arms MKIII

This is a prototype of the new shape they are considering for their lightweight AR lower

Some of the press the Cav Arms lightweight polymer lower and their new forend

A closer look at the new Cav Arms forend for the AR15

The Cav Arms aluminum lower receiver

A few more shots of this nice Cav Arms AR15 SBR

Stripped AR lower from Cav Arms in Arizona

Some of the accessories at the Cav Arms booth, their Discrete Carry rifle bag and a plate carrier with camo velcro panel by Coyote Tactical

A wall of Cav Arms AR15s

Cav Arms also offers a selection of first aid kits. One of the Cav Arms guys explains how the Israeli Bandage works

Stopped by the Kriss Super V booth to see their display

The all white prototype looked like a winter version of the KRISS

We were offered many magazines this year. From publishers and from manufacturers whose products were featured. We also were given a nice AK calendar

Some tricks from traveling to SHOT show or other conventions like this. Bring a poster tube in your luggage. This way if you collect some posters, you have a way to get them home rolled up and not folded. We also used a few maps to keep current with construction and new names of the hotels since the last time we visited Vegas two years ago.

After four days it was over. SHOT show 2008 had come to an end. It didn’t take much time for vendors and crews of helpers to start to dis assemble the booths. Display cases and gear was packed away into containers and was off to the next show. THere are over 50 of these kind of trade shows each year.

Soon the tents were empty and ready to be taken down. Next year SHOT 2009 will be in Orlando, Florida again while the Las Vegas Convention Center is re-built

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